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Fundamentals of Mobile App Development that You All Need to Know

Before deciding whether to start building mobile app development for iOS or Android, you need to evaluate and align with your target audience and brand goals.

For example - If your customer base resides in 2 -tier cities or rural areas, developing Android apps might be more suitable. On the other hand, if you are developing software that caters to a customer base in an urban or a metro city, cross-platform app development will be preferred.

Many companies opt for cross-platform app development due to their target audience being wide and involving the development of both mobile app development iOS and Android.

What is Mobile App Development?

For laymen, mobile app development refers to creating software and writing code for smartphones, tablets, and mobile devices, mainly for iOS and Android operating systems. The development process utilizes the programming languages such as Java, Swift, and HTML5.

This mobile app development is essential for every sector, including telecommunication, healthcare, e-commerce, government, and various industries. To stay ahead of the competition, companies need to develop user-friendly apps for their customers, employees, and partners.

Mobile App Development Process?


The mobile app development process begins with a strategic plan to determine how the app will enhance your business. During this planning phase, make sure that you address the following questions with your team:

  • Define the Purpose of your app
  • Tapping your App Audience
  • Research Competitors
  • Establishing the App Goals and Objectives

Remember, it takes approx. Six months to build an app for your brand. Therefore, strategizing and planning are crucial, as they involve a huge amount of investment and represent your brand vision and what you want to communicate to your target audience.


It's time to begin shaping and building your planned apps and turn that dream of yours into reality. 

Once you have identified the app requirements, the next step is to determine whether the app will be developed for iOS and Android platforms or for a single platform. If you want to create an iOS app, hire developers experienced in iOS development. If your goal is cross-platform development, hire ones specializing in React Native and Flutter.

UI/UX Design

The next step after hiring the team for developing mobile app development, the focus shifts to creating a user-friendly app user experience that makes them connect to the app easily. In a nutshell, you aim to create an app that's easy to navigate, interactive, and keeps users engaged.

App Development

It's time to create an app that includes all the backend technology, APIs, and front-end mobile app development. 

Mobile app front-end development means the end-user experience during installation and interaction with mobile apps. Programming languages such as Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android can be used for this.

Backend technology includes server and database components necessary to support mobile app functionality. It manages data, processes requests, and handles business logic. The languages commonly used include Phyton, Java, Ruby, and databases like MYSQL.

APIs serve as an intermediate that connects your application to external services like libraries or systems. For example, While building a weather app, use weather API to retrieve weather data for any specific location.

App Testing

Testing your app is the most basic step after launching your mobile app development. While testing your app, you might find bugs, glitches, or any minor mistakes you must clear before releasing the app to your users. The testing your app requires:

  • Testing on different platforms and devices
  • Running tests and gathering feedback from real users
  • Testing your app with Quality Assurance throughout development is the ultimate approach. 

Different types of tests include functional, performance, user experience, security, and device testing.

Deployment and Support

It's finally time to launch your app by submitting it to the Apple app store and Google Play store for Android users. It would help if you prepared with the following:

  • Your App Titles
  • Short Description
  • Keywords
  • Category
  • Launch Icon
  • Launch Video

And much more that will help them build your brand idea for people who will download your app in the future.

Mobile App Development Framework in 2023


It is an open and free framework from Google that will allow you to create native Android and iOS applications only with a single codebase. An SDK for cross-platform mobile development to develop apps that are stunning and easy to use.

Flutter is a comprehensive framework that contains widgets, integrating APIs, and resources to create and deploy mobile applications.

Features of Mobile App Development are:

  • Cross-platform
  • Visuals are appealing and engaging
  • More rapid development

React Native

An open-source, cross-platform app development framework that has been popular among developers. What makes it popular is its ability to integrate with third-party plugins and reusable components that contribute to faster development and deployment.

The framework is supported by Facebook and allows for building platform-specific versions of multiple features enabling the use of a single codebase across all platforms. 


Ionic is the mobile app development framework that helps developers build progressive web apps, hybrid and cross-platform mobile applications. It eventually helps developers use UI elements such as filters, forms, and navigation menus in the application designs. 

It has features that allow you to customize the look and feel of the app where applying brand colors, fonts, and styles are used to maintain consistency in brand identity.


The framework uses .NET and C# programming languages. An open-source framework that allows developers to build an ecosystem with APIs, backend, and components using tools, libraries, and programming language that's supported by an active community. Xamarin-based apps deliver flawless native functionality that's based on quality and efficiency. 

The framework empowers businesses to provide native performance and unique user experience to end users.

Native Script

This mobile app development framework is usually preferred to reduce the cost and time of the app loads. Many companies prefer Native Scripts because it has features such as business support, backend support, and complete access to the APIs of Android and iOS. With the help of a single codebase, developers create apps that can run on both iOS and Android apps. This approach saves time and cost as compared to building separate apps for each platform. 

Providing a variety of plugins that extend the capabilities of your app because it will provide access to additional native APIs and third-party services that will enhance the functionality of your app.

In 2023, mobile app development trends are crucial for developers to know and ensure that their application is made in the respective app development they are working on. At Microloop IT Solution USA, keeping you updated with the latest trends in the IT industry is beneficial for your business. Let's explore these trends one by one:

IoT App Integration

IoT (Internet over things) refers to the network of interconnected devices and objects exchanged and communicated over the Internet. The benefit of IOT integration into mobile apps is that it can create applications that interact with and control a wide range of smart devices.

By integrating IOT, mobile apps can effectively control and monitor various devices such as home appliances and industrial machinery. This expansion in functionality provides users with ways to interact with their surroundings and personalize data according to users' requirements. 

Development for Wearable Device

One of the recent trends in mobile app development is developing apps for wearable devices. Wearable devices are smart electronic gadgets that users can wear on their bodies, with sensors, connectivity features, and advanced computing capabilities. 

The wearable device market has experienced tremendous growth and provided numerous opportunities compared to traditional mobile app development.


Some basic examples of AI that can be easily implemented into a mobile app include image recognition, text and image classification, speech recognition, and predictive maintenance.

AI involves integrating machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI technologies into mobile applications. With the help of AI, mobile app development involves analyzing user behavior, personal preferences, and tailored experiences according to individual requirements. For example - Suggesting users on their past purchases and browsing habits.

Moreover, AI enhances voice recognition like Siri and Google Assistant and image and video recognition.

Augmented reality 

Augmented Reality (AR) applications have gained ground in various industries, such as beauty and eyewear, to provide a more personalized experience to consumers.

This technological advancement allows users to understand potential purchases without any need to visit the store physically. AR applications enhance users' real-world experiences by adding digital elements like informational, navigational, visualization, and more.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, mobile app development on iOS and Android platforms offers companies the advantage of targeting and converting a broader consumer base. Microloop IT Solution, USA offers a comprehensive business solution to brands who are new in the market and want to build an app that's user-friendly, interactive, and communicates useful information to consumers who are first-time visitors. 

We have explored the mobile app development process, from strategizing to deployment. Moreover, we saw how mobile app development trends such as IOT, AI, and wearable devices have made a revolutionary move in the industry and how developers need to develop their skill sets as required.

So, next time you think of building an app for your business. Don't forget to consult Microloop IT Solutions.

To sum up, mobile app development in both iOS and Android offers advantages to companies to target and convert more consumers. Microloop IT Solution, USA offers a comprehensive business solution to brands who are new in the market and want to build an app that's user-friendly, interactive, and communicates useful information to consumers who are first-time visitors. We saw the mobile app development process that began with strategizing to the deployment step. Moreover, mobile app development trends such as IOT, AI, and wearable devices have made a revolutionary move in the industry, and there is a need for developers to develop their skill sets as required.