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Top 5 Web Development Frameworks that You Need to Know

Many developers use the web development framework at the time of building a website. However, it's essential to consider various factors when developing a website; you need to keep in mind that choosing the best development framework is crucial. 

Before selecting the best web development framework, there are specific steps you need to accomplish.

Before that, you also need to understand the best web development framework. In this blog, we will delve into the types of web development frameworks and the top trending frameworks in 2023 that will definitely take your business to the next level.

Let's get started!

What is a Web Development Framework?

A web development framework, also known as a web application framework, is a tool that helps a developer throughout the process of building web products. This web development framework consists of built-in libraries that simplify the work of developers. These libraries offer users a wide array of features, functions, and processes that save their valuable resources and time.

This will automatically help developers to create web applications with ease. Different web products can be built using web development frameworks such as web services, web apps, and web APIs.

By utilizing the use of existing web development frameworks, developers can reuse the code and standardize the important part of the development process. This will not only help developers make the app-building process faster but also enhance its efficiency.

To conclude, the web development framework plays a very crucial role in building successful web app development projects.

Front End Framework

The framework that is used to handle the user side of the applications. The motive here is to enhance the user experience, making websites and applications easy to use and tailored to meet their needs. With a front-end development framework, you can develop applications and websites that have user-friendly graphical user interfaces.

Back End Framework

The framework consists of more than just libraries of modules and tools. It provides developers with the tools needed to create website structures. The backend framework consists of a server, database, and the code that facilitates communication with them. They simplify web development tasks such as URL routing, database interaction, push notifications, enhanced security, and much more. It ensures that the website functions smoothly in the background.

Top 5 Web Frameworks You Need to Know

1) jQuery

jQuery framework has opened a lot of opportunities for developers to build robust web applications with the help of its rich set of features. This JavaScript library simplifies the interaction between HTML elements and JavaScript code.

It helps in CSS animations, event handling, making web pages more interactive, and adheres to SEO-friendly practices. Let's explore its key features:

  • With jQuery, you can perform a series of actions on your website with a single click. For e.g - you can send data to servers, initiate animations, and add classes. This will directly shorten the process of binding and unbinding event handlers. 
  • It is easy to select DOM elements, traverse them, and modify their content with the help of jQuery. The methods available are attr (), html (), and simplified DOM manipulation.
  • It combines markup technologies such as CSS, HTML, Javascript, and AJAX to produce animations similar to Flash. It comes with several built-in animation effects that help developers build rich features and responsive websites using AJAX.

2) React

Facebook introduced React in 2013 and has gained immense popularity in the web development industry. It is an open-source JavaScript library used to build interactive user interfaces that would entice developers to front-end development. React is everyone's favorite choice because of its learning features and flexibility. Moreover, it offers excellent SEO support compared to other frameworks. Key features of React are:

  • The flexibility of React allows developers to create applications dynamically for any of the user interfaces, including web, mobile, desktop, and Smart TVs.
  • It organizes code and data, making the code reusable across projects
  • The informational flow is unidirectional because one-way data bindings make React less prone to errors and easier to debug, making it an efficient framework.

3) Ember

This web development framework, launched in 2011, is considered one of the most productive open-source Javascript frameworks, utilizing the MVVM paradigm. Its major advantage is that it is designed to maximize developer productivity by incorporating JS best practices in the core design. Key features of Ember are:

  • It combines elements from Angular and React and optimizes their use.
  • Regardless of new updates, the old functions of applications continue to function properly.
  • Similar to Angular, it also provides two-way data binding and aims to fulfill the growing demand for technologies flawlessly.

With the help of templates, Ember.js automatically updates the model whenever the content of the application changes.

4) Django

An open-source Python-based back-end development framework that has been immensely popular among developers and enterprises that makes it easier for them to develop complex, highly scalable, and data-driven web applications. The framework is designed for engineers and offers features like naive GraphQL integration. Key features are:

  • This web development framework is SEO-friendly and easily maintainable because of URLs rather than IP addresses.
  • You can easily build any website, from social networks to content management systems, with the help of Django.
  • With code reusability and caching options, Django is highly scalable, making the application capable of handling traffic demands.

5) Angular or Angular JS

Google introduced AngularJS, an open-source JavaScript framework that enables the development of high-performance, large-scale Javascript-based applications. This makes it one of the most popular frameworks among developers to be used. 

With a robust set of features and the ability to work with cross-platform and client-side frameworks, Angular applications run smoothly on desktop and mobile applications. The key features of AngularJS are:

  • Angular supports and provides Chrome and Firefox tools and extensions for debugging web applications. The framework offers a wide range of third-party libraries.
  • It helps to save time by allowing developers to reuse components and even the architecture, simplifying the development process.
  • Utilizing open-source libraries such as Angular material, it is possible to create a responsive and dynamic user interface with multiple features.

Key Takeaways

To sum up, web development framework provides developers with libraries and frameworks that facilitate the development of apps or websites that they are working on.

Web framework is divided into two parts: front-end and back-end frameworks. These components play a significant role in making websites attractive to users and generating potential leads.

Microloop IT Solution, USA, provides the perfect web development framework solutions for your business to improve security and reliability, optimized for performance and scalability, and streamlined development.